BROOKINGS, S.D. - SDSU Extension has hired 44 Field Specialists who will work in eight Regional Extension Centers across South Dakota. During a news conference Thursday in Brookings, Barry Dunn, Dean of the South Dakota State University College of Agriculture and Director of SDSU Extension, announced the names of the new hires, and said a new era in SDSU Extension had begun. The Regional Extension Centers open next week.
"This Friday marks the end of one era in SDSU Extension. Next week, we welcome a new day in SDSU Extension based on the talents of new Field Specialists and the existing State Specialists, efficiencies found in Regional Centers, and information delivery through the iGrow learning platform," Dunn said. "As a result, SDSU Extension is stronger than ever. We remain deeply committed to serving South Dakotans and, in this new era, we will continue to provide them with the research and information they need to be competitive in today's economy."
The new era Dunn refers to came about in order to comply with state budget cuts set by the Legislature and Governor Daugaard earlier this spring.
"In managing under the new budget environment, SDSU Extension called on staff and stakeholders to help define what elements must be carried forward, and what elements can be retired," Dunn said. "As a result, next week we embark on the largest reorganization of SDSU Extension since its creation in 1914."
Dunn also unveiled a new logo for SDSU Extension.
"We wanted a new look to reflect our new way of doing business," Dunn said.
As a result of the reorganization, Dunn said SDSU Extension will live within the reduced fiscal boundaries of the 2012 state budget.
"Nothing was held back in this reorganization," Dunn said. "Complying with a 10 percent state budget cut is at the root of this entire restructuring. In everything we do, we are careful to be prudent with our dollars and absolutely conservative in our spending. In creating Regional Extension Centers, we relied primarily on surplus property. We recycled and reused existing equipment, while at the same time worked to assure the continued operation of county facilities that will house 4-H Youth Program Advisors."
The reorganization allowed SDSU Extension to reprioritize programs. Capstone programs now include; Competitive Livestock Systems, Competitive Cropping Systems, Food and Families, and Communities and 4-H Youth.
"We notably increased support to 4-H and youth and priority programs," Dunn said.
SDSU Extension will increase its use of communications technology and has developed the iGrow teaching platform to deliver information over the internet. A new administrative structure increases communication between Field Specialists and SDSU academic departments.
"We want the people of South Dakota to know that we have wisely and prudently used financial and staff resources," Dunn said. "The new SDSU Extension system is strong, staffed with Field Specialists who will, for the first time, all be required to hold a master's degree or earn one in five years. We will be able to deliver programs that South Dakota needs."
The people of SDSU Extension
Karla Trautman, Associate Director of SDSU Extension, announced the conclusion of searches to fill Field Specialist and Program Director positions.
"Looking across the board at all Field Specialist and 4-H Youth Program Advisor positions, there were more than 1,000 applicants. Our search processes strictly adhered to university hiring practices. Search committees reviewed all applications and forwarded lists of candidates that met qualifications," Trautman said.
Trautman announced the names of the 44 SDSU Extension Field Specialists, a position with expanded training requirements and duties. She also announced the appointment of three administrators. Rosie Nold has been appointed Program Director for Agriculture and Natural Resources; David Olson has been appointed Program Director for Community Development; and, Suzanne Stluka has been appointed Program Director for Food and Families. Offers have been extended for the Program Directors of 4-H and Youth Development; and Native American Programs.
Searches are currently underway to fill the 32 4-H Youth Program Advisor positions.
SDSU Extension and South Dakota counties share the cost of 4-H Youth Program Advisors.
All South Dakota counties participated in this program. When SDSU Extension negotiated new 4-H service agreements with all South Dakota counties in 2011, they were asked to consider the level of support they would choose to invest. Some counties, with higher youth populations, chose to have one advisor serve only their county. Other counties formed partnerships with neighboring counties and will share the 4-H Youth Program Advisor.
The infrastructure of SDSU Extension
SDSU Extension Field Specialists will be housed in one of eight regional centers located in Aberdeen, Lemmon, Mitchell, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Watertown and Winner. The 4-H Youth Program Advisors will be located in counties.
To enhance access to information, SDSU Extension launched iGrow, a free online teaching platform.
"iGrow was designed to remove the factors of time and space from teaching," Dunn said. "It allows SDSU Extension to deliver information and resources to all South Dakotans 24-7. Any time they are interested, iGrow connects them to a robust variety of information, in one location - unlike SDSU Extension has been able to offer until this point."
The Transition
Monday is moving day for the new Field Specialists. On Oct. 24, Regional Centers will not be open for business as the new offices are made operational.
"But at the start of business Tuesday, the Regional Offices will be open and will continue to deliver Extension programs," Dunn said.
As SDSU Extension enters this new era, he says peers from Land Grant universities and Extension across the nation will be watching.
"The South Dakota model and process will be considered as other states follow our footsteps," Dunn said.
Dunn's announcement was followed by remarks from Walt Bones, South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture; Paula Hamilton, President of the State 4-H Leaders Association; and Myron Johnson, Codington County Commissioner.
Field Specialists
Aberdeen 605-626-2870
Mark Rosenberg - Agronomy Weeds Field Specialist
Karelyn Farrand - 4-H Character Education Field Specialist
Marj Zastrow - Nutrition Field Specialist
Karen Slunecka - Family Resource Management Field Specialist
Cheryl Jacobs - Community Development Field Specialist
Laura Edwards - Climate Field Specialist
Lemmon 605-374-4177
Robin Salverson - Cow/Calf Field Specialist
Mitchell 605-995-7378
Jim Krantz - Cow/Calf Field Specialist
Heather Larson - Cow/Calf Field Specialist
Megan Nielson - 4-H Youth Livestock Field Specialist
Carrie Johnson - Family Resource Management Field Specialist
Jack Davis - Economics Field Specialist
Pierre 605-773-8120
Lori Jacobson - Swine Field Specialist
Ruth Beck - Agronomy Crops Field Specialist
Suzanne Geppert - 4-H Youth Partnerships Field Specialist
Andrea Klein - 4-H Healthy Living Field Specialist
Rod Geppert - 4-H Livestock Show Management Coordinator
Rapid City 605-394-2236
Adele Harty - Cow/Calf Field Specialist
Dave Ollila - Sheep Field Specialist
Mindy Hubert - Small Acreage Field Specialist
John Rickertson - Agronomy Crops Field Specialist
Jonathon Nixon - Entomology Field Specialist
Sharon Guthmiller - Food Safety Field Specialist
Shawn Burke - Community Development Field Specialist
Peggy Schlechter - Community Development Field Specialist
Sioux Falls 605-782-3290
B. Lynn Gordon - Cow/Calf Field Specialist
Kurt Reitsma - Precision Agriculture Field Specialist
Connie Strunk - Plant Pathology Field Specialist
Donna Bittiker - Family Resource Management Field Specialist
LaVonne Meyer - Food Safety Field Specialist
Heather Gessner - Livestock Business Management Field Specialist
Chris Zdorovtsov - Community Development Field Specialist
Larry Wagner - Agronomy Crops Field Specialist
Geoffrey Njue - Specialty Field Crops Specialist
Watertown 605-882-5140
Warren Rusche - Cow/Calf Field Specialist
Tracey Renelt - Dairy Field Specialist
Paul Johnson - Agronomy Crops Field Specialist
Sandra Namken - Aging Field Specialist
Deb Sundem - Nutrition Field Specialist
Heather Moechnig - Food Safety Field Specialist
Audrey Rider - 4-H Youth Leadership Field Specialist
Don Guthmiller - Crops Business Management Field Specialist
Winner 605-842-1267
Bob Fanning - Plant Pathology Field Specialist
Ann Schwader - Nutrition Field Specialist